Friday, April 6, 2018

Video Games

Video Games 

           Ever since the technology develop the video games are becoming common, and a lot of people play not just young age but also adults. These people rely on video games a lot, and they use it to communicate with other. For example, Educators can use video games to help children to learn easily. “Children and adolescents can become overly involved and even obsessed with videogames. Spending large amounts of time playing these games can create problems,” written by The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2006). In the other words, those children and teenagers who play video games a lot of time can develop more problems to them such as damage human brain or effect any part of human body. However, people at young age must limit their time they spend on video games because they will have mental health and physical problems, and they are more likely to perform poorly in school, and they might become violent.

          Addiction to video games cause physical and mental health problems especially at young ages. As these children get older, they are more likely to have some problems with their vision such as visual impairment or hyperopia because facing screen affects their eyes. In the article “Sitting Too Close to the Computer Screen Can Make You Go Blind (Bullimore is a professor at The Ohio State University College of Optometry, 2007),” points out that staring or sitting at a screen for long time can cause health problem such as eyes exhaustion - drying, burning and pain muscle. Also, these children who are playing video more seven hours usually have pain on their back and neck. For these children who addicted to video games usually do not eat healthy because they do not care about healthy food. They just care about how to win on video games which drive to them to eat unhealthy such as junk food because it is easy to make or find. Some people believe one of serious problem that leading children to be unhealthy are feeling lazy when they are playing video games because they do not want to leave or move from screen.  Another problem is that children eat a lot while they are playing video games because they do not pay attention to how much they, so these children will eat junk food; however, they might get overweight (obesity). In the future, those children may get heart attacks or increase risks life even if they are still young.

         Nowadays poor sleep habits are very serious for those who are addicted to video games. People believe that video game addiction leads to young people not getting enough sleep. For example, people stay whole night playing games because they want to win and to get high score, or they are very excited about the game. If children have low energy, due to video games addiction, they sleep poorly. People may hear about these children who addicted games have a problem with getting enough sleep which would cause them to inactive during a day and school.

        It is seemed truth these children who play video games more than seven hours a day have mental health problem, but video games can have a lot of benefits especially at education; for instance, helping students to learn new subject. Also, critics may argue that video games effect people in health and physical, and they show that games help people thinking. In the article “Video Games and Learning (Ault, 2016),” points out that there are some health games, and they can help penitent to get better or improve health such as physical therapy  help penitent who has pain his or her arm to move. However, people still believe to be addicted to video games very painful such as eyes pain. This problem is common today because new technology such as computer which a lot of people are staring at screen computer. Nevertheless, most people who staring at screen for long time wear glasses, and they feel fine with glasses not like in the past people do not want to wear glasses when they have problem with vision. However, having less hours of playing video games can solve the problem that addictions have such as sleeping poorly.

        Children who have poor perform at school mostly because they play video games more than seven hours. These children who addicted to video game they do not focus on class because they play video games with their classmates while the instructor teach; they misunderstand what the instructor points in class or lecture. When instructor gives to them a test, most students who fail on test because video games lead to increased potential for poor attention, which has negative effects on test scores. In the article “Study Link Game Use to Problems in School (Hoke, 2015),” points out that spending too many hours on video games affect children to perform poorly or to be inactive in school which drive them to have lack of successful in school. children who rely on video games a lot are more likely to sleep poorly which leading them to not be inactive during, and they are feeling very tired. For example, children who addicted to video games are unable to finish the work such as homework because they do not want to leave video games, and they might sleep three hours a day. However, they have low energy to activity in school, and they feel lazy.

         It seems truth and amount of people would agree with this problem, but there are children who play video games too many hours, and they can do great a job at school. Video games can help children in school such as to learn math and science, they challenge themselves for who can get high score on the games. In the article “Video Games and Learning (Ault, 2016),” shows that video games help students to engage with or against their classmate, and instructors use video games to help student to understand math and science. Even though, amount of people still believe that video games are good for education, and they give reason students may become addicted which might affect their ability to learn in school. For instance, in the article “Study Link Game Use to Problems in School (Hoke,2015),” demonstrates that children who play video games less hours during week are more successful in school more than those children who play video games too many hours a day or week.
Children who are addicted video games might become violent. As a lot of teenagers play violent video games too many hours they may act more aggressive than those children are not addicted.  For instance, number of children play GTA, Grand theft Auto which is violent games and many children love this game. In the article “Video game addiction and other Internet compulsive disorders mask depression, anxiety, learning disabilities (Miller, 2013),” points out that addicted to violent video games can be as drug which lead people to be become aggressive. For example, students at young age who play violent video games too hours they might fight with other students; moreover, a lot of violent video games show how people are killing by gun which a lot of children play it. In the article “Violent Video Games (Court, 2008),” considers shows that approximately 97% of US children at age 12-17years play violent video games and these could cause children at school such as violence against women, increase in bullying, and shooting people.

        It is seemed truth that violent video games cause children to act aggression, but it has pointed out not all children who play violent video games for long time are becoming a violent. There are some children who play violent games still friendly and nice. In the article “Playing video games can be bad for your health (Harris, 2014),” shows that not all video games reduce problem, and some video games can use to cheer people up because these video games require movement such real activity.  Even thought, people admit that video games reduce problems towards human especially young age who are addicted to violent video games, they will copy what they play on games into real life. For example, they might try to steal weapon from their parents and shooting other, or acting aggressive towards women more likely what happen GTA game.

        Video game addiction is a very serious problem, especially at young age because they will have issues with physical and mental health, and they are more prone to poor performance in school, and they may become a violent. “It is not surprising that most schoolyard shooters and many adult mass murderers played violent video games in their spare time,” James Alan Fox, PHD in Criminology  said. In the other words, it seems that video games especially violent lead people to be aggression or criminal.


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