Friday, March 23, 2018

Instagram is bad for mental health

Is Instagram bad for mental health?

         Today social media is popular, and the users are increasing over years.  People from different age are using social media, even retired people (old people) learn how to use them. People use it every day to read or check news such as reading news from Twitter. Therefore, Instagram is part of people’s daily lives. People who feel lonely and stress use social media in general to express their feeling or themselves to other people; it is kind of helping them to check their feeling. Instagram or other social networking allows users to keep connections with followers, and users are able to share information, photos, videos or stories to friends (followers). Nevertheless, young people are relying on Instagram a lot which is different compare in the past generation where there was not social media. Also, Instagram which a lot people use it overseas to share their pictures and stories to friends, so their friends can comment or like to their pictures. Individuals are spending too much time every day which might affect their health.  Yet not all young people realize it, but they cannot stop been addict to Instagram because using Instagram become a routine to most people; these people may want to become a famous on it. Furthermore, Instagram easily leads people feel that their bodies are not in good shape, so they edit and filters such as black and white on their photos in order to look perfect as other users or followers. For example, I remembered when I was in high school my friends and I were using some of social networks platform like WhatsApp to send pictures and funny videos between each other; yet my mother gave me advice that staying a lot on WhatsApp which we used over phone can affect my eyes and learning from school. However, Instagram is bad for mental health because Instagram causes it users to become addict to it.
            Instagram has many features that are very interest to users such as Instagram story, video post, picture post, messaging and video call to their followers. Also, the users use caption and hashtags, so the followers or no followers are able to see the post, and they may become followers if they like the post.  These features people rely on it a lot because it helps them to communicate other followers. Also, users want to become famous like their favorite actress or actors, so they want to get more followers, like and comments. Nevertheless, some users are focus on fashion which lead to rely on Instagram to check new fashion style that their followers or actress who post fancy dress on Instagram. These users feel they are travelling when they see their followers post when they are on vacation at very beautiful and expensive place that they cannot afford to visit. Users see their followers do a lot interest stuff such as travel on their aircraft which leading them to become jealous to it.  Instagram users are anti-social because they are obsessed about their followers instead of talking with someone outside of internet. For example, if individuals have job interview, they are more likely stress out and feel uncomfortable because they are never having communication professionally with real people face to face such as conversations with some strangers in coffee house, street or they do not have much experience about how they start conversation with strangers or with interviewers. 
Recently, there are many studies show that kids usually spend much time every day in social media to check news about video games, movies or their favorite actors, actress, athletic basketball or soccer teams status which cause them to become addict to social media. These kids may have low performance during a day at school or home because they do not get enough sleep whole night every day, or they do not eat health every day. The reasons people become addict to Instagram because it provides many interest features on it such as users can comment and like onto followers’ post, yet these features convince users stay on it and do not leave it.
Therefore, there are sensitive stuffs on the social media which are inappropriate for children to see it such as violent seen or seen for adult and these seen are not allow around children; for instance, news or stories about some guys who have mental problem, these guys can teach children bad stuff through the Instagram, so then very young children get this attitude or behavior from them. This may not happen a lot, but I cannot imagine if children see sensitive material that are not allow for children what are going to happen to them are they going to be effect or have mental issue?
Parents and schools including teachers should be aware about this situation to those children who addict to Instagram because it is happening a lot to students in modern day; they may notice this issue with teenagers also during high school because they want to have attention on school by having more followers than other students in school. It seems children or students become jealous from other, so they spend a lot of time on Instagram then they become addict to it.
These teenagers are checking their followers on Instagram stories and post picture or video, so they may write comment on their picture post or like it every day. Also, teenagers accept following from strangers account, sometimes these strangers might be dangerous to them because they can affect users’ behaviors which may lead to teens to act aggressive toward other or these accounts are fake not real users. These fake accounts may hacker or steel users account or any information; then, these hackers ask users to pay money to them in order to give them back their account or personal information which are painful to these users to stay calm and to hold this situation.
Addiction to Instagram is very common in modern day, people spends hours on it which may these people can be affect their mental health. As most people know one of the reason that people become addict to Instagram because they are interest see what their favorite actress news or they feel bored. In other word, to be addicted to Instagram is similar to who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.  For instance, every day these individuals are posting new picture and sharing video story on Instagram sometimes to impress their friends or they want to get million follow in Instagram it is seen like competition about who have more follow than other. In the article “If We’re All So Sick of You, Facebook, Why Can’t We Quit You?”  the author claims that “daily active… well that covers everyone from the status-updating, picture-posting addict to the time-strapped user who, say, quickly checks her Facebook index every morning as matter of habit” (Dumenco, 408). In other words, being active on social media such as Instagram become a routine to amount of people who check, change status or posting pictures on Instagram daily in the morning or anytime even if they are at work or school. It is similar to people who are addicted  to drugs or alcohol they cannot stop to use it or quit.
In the article “In the Digital Age, Breaking Up Is Hard to Do” he explains that many people rely on the internet to manage a great deal of their social lives, so they share too much personal information” (Rodriguez, 416). In other hand, people share their personal information on social network in order to be more social, yet there are bad people who can use other personal information against them. Also, there are amount of people who make their Instagram accounts non-private which can put them in danger because not all people on Instagram are going to be nice to you.
Not all people will have the same view about social media that cause people to have mental issue with their health, they claim that social media can help people to communicate with other people who live far from them easily or to read news instead of reading it from papers.
People can find every type of news: sports, news overseas, technologies, movies, TV shows, medical stuff or new video games coming soon.  For example, in the past some people who live far from their home find it is hard to contact family and friends back home, but now people can contact them or showing their relative including friends and family the new status through Instagram by putting stories or pictures of what they are doing through daily or weekly just to keep them on budge. Moreover, family and close friends are able to comment on the post and message them through the Instagram because this platform gives people opportunity to interact with friends and family, then, people will not feel very warred about their sons or daughters who live or study aboard. Also, it is routine to those people may upload many pictures and stories daily in order to convince other to follow them. They probably have a chance to become famous like celebrities from Hollywood or soccer player who have more than million followers; for example, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who has over one hundred million followers through Instagram.
But it is clear that Instagram still lead people to have pain and issue with mental health, and it can drive people crazy specially those who do not get sleep and leave it even for just small moment of hours or minutes, so those people hold their smartphones everywhere and all the time. Instagram is one of most popular social media websites or applications that many people are using it, and they depend on it a lot today to have conversations between each other from different part of the world, so individual can show friends that he or she is on good shape. This conversation through the Instagram is not perfect as much people know because usually this conversation is over text not over speak like real need to have skill. There are couple of reasons why these people are not talking with new people: one is these people feel scare of strangers, secure or shy to talk to them. For example, when amount of new international students meets American students or other international students, they stay salient and look into their phones because they are stress out when they enter new places. Also, they do not know how to start conversation with others.  It seems students prefer to stay on Instagram or other social media platform because new generation use it a lot and the users are growing very fast.
Overall, Instagram is affecting people’s mental health which is very bad those people who are addicted to Instagram and should limit their time using it.  As people are not able minimize their time of using Instagram, they are probably going to be effect on mental health more. Someone will argue that we cannot stop using Instagram since social media is gathering many stuff and features that make life easier for users to see interest material on it such as reading news of sports, movies or video games, yet they are wrong people can spend less time on Instagram if they can control themselves such as leaving phone or internet for hours.  There are some beneficial you can do instead of using Instagram; for example, going to gym, exercising outdoor like running, reading or even hangout with your family and close friends, these might help people to avoid Instagram for couple hours, keeping relationship with family and health by avoiding internet. Furthermore, changing routine every day or weekly is very helpful to quit of wasting time on the Instagram or other social media platform which a lot of people use it in present day.  Less using internet will have benefit to our society; people will be more creative and healthy.  

Work Cited:
Rodriguez, Salvador. “In the Digital Age, Breaking Up Is Hard to Do,” Signs of Life in The USA, edited by Sonia Massik and Jack Solomon, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016, pp. 415–417.

Dumenco, Simon. “If We’re All So Sick of You, Facebook, Why Can’t We Quit You?” Signs of Life in The USA, edited by Sonia Massik and Jack Solomon, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016, pp. 407–409.

Climate Change

Is climate change caused by humans?
            There is a big company of oil called Aramco in Saudi Arabia who has taking a lot of land to build manufacturing places such as in Al-Jubail industrial city, and usually this company have fire when company burn or crude oil by chemical reactions which create a lot of gases in the air; sometimes these gases go to cities where people live.  People can smell the gas and see black color on the car body which mean carbon dioxide even if it is very far from where they live. What is sad that many people who live near manufacturing have chance to get cancer; for instance, one of my family number got cancer when he lived and worked near Al-Jubail industrial city, and he die because he noticed the cancer very late. This problem is happening a lot today because factory practices may get people in danger such as cancer. Therefore, majority of people are aware of climate change because it is increasing everywhere. Human activity is mainly problem which effect the environment because it is growing over years and leading gases to increase over limit in the air. People need to change their view and think about whether the next generation is or will be going to able to live in the world? People may worry about their children and the new generation if they do not try to reduce the climate change, so the future will not have problem with environment. There are some people who believe the change that happen to our environment are affected by human activity, and other side of people have much knowledge that natural shifts in environment can cause climate change. However, climate change is caused by human activity because climate change is a result of excess carbon and greenhouses gases in Earth atmosphere from the manufacturing practices of burning fossil fuels.
            Burning of fossil fuels are source of carbon dioxide (CO2) which is one of the greenhouse gases; for instance, burning natural gas, fuel oil or coal to develop energy. People use fossil fuels everywhere such as in heaters, ovens, cars, yachts or airplanes, yet people cannot stop to use it today. Depending on where people live require them to use a car because they do not have public transportations, such as those who live in village or small town. For example, people who live in Los Angeles or Miami must own cars because they cannot to take tour around the city without a car unlike in Eugene people probably do not need a car to take tour in the city.  Additionally, many people use cars or other forms of transportations where they use petrol which increase carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and damage layers of the planet. Nevertheless, most people know that the greenhouse gases are primarily in the Earth’s atmosphere, and these are carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and ozone. The increasing gases over limit in the atmosphere is one theory of climate change. Gases are not increasing just because of cars, but also because of manufacturing practices.
            Manufacturing practices are increasing, due to population growth and the rich people want to stay wealthy. In other words, manufacturing has made a lot carbon dioxide and many gasses into the air; thus, weather change into very hot, animals, plants and people could die because of these change that happen over year in the Earth. Moreover, creating a lot of manufacturing places everywhere causes the world to have less green in the land and fresh water, also wildfire has been increasing these day. For instance, these manufacturing companies may cut the trees in the forest to build their factory.
            These manufacturing places are double than in the past because population size is growing very fast which requires companies to produce more products for people needs. Cars, phones, and food manufacturing are examples of manufacturing practices that burn fossil fuels, cars make a lot of gases in the air, and even when they build the phone use a lot of materials which might increase the gases. People want these manufacturing companies to create more products because these products that companies invent to them make their life easier than in the past.
            These manufacturing companies want to make more money from people needs. In other words, these companies want to increase their money (profits) by opening new factory places to develop more products to sell people, and population growth is helping them to increase their money and becoming very rich. Companies care more about selling millions of products to people than they do about the environment. For example, car company almost every year they produce new car such as luxury cars like BMW which now have a lot money because they sell over million cars to people around the world, without a care for environmental consequences.
Culture are also involved because many people want to buy these products and it is becoming routine to get a new product every year or every time the company presents the product; for example, famous American actress who live Los Angeles always they want to have fancy cars, clothes, and phones. However, these actresses are having fans follow them, and these fans want to buy what their favorite famous person owns. Also, normal people who are not celebrities or fans who follow the celebrity want to be different and unique from other people, so they are purchase expensive product because they are very rich such as luxury watches or clothes. People needs have negative effect on environment and increase climate change which lead manufacturing company to create more products sell to them.
Climate change is a very serious problem in the world people must care about environment because it is affect ecosystem in the Earth such as raising temperature which can be destroy especially fresh water, human even animal, and plants. In other world, humans responsible to turn the Earth into a lot problem such as global warming. Humans activity are reasons that the sea level is increasing because the high temperature is melting the ice, and there are some lands will be under the water in the future. Therefore, People, government and scientists involved with climate change should work together to solve this problem for the future because people need to think about next generations.
There are many of theories explain that manufacturing cause global climate change; for instance, there are many land reclamations in the sea in Saudi Arabia create company to sell land to people and my house on land reclamations. In other words, people create land in the sea or the water instead of developing normal land that country have it, and the reason people create land reclamations because they population growth and companies who build them want to make more money. Hence, these land reclamations are effect life under the water many kinds of fish die, yet amount of people do not care about environment. However, I believe landfills destroy life under the water, fishes, and plants, so I disagree with these companies who create landfills for people should be ashamed of destroy our environment because they throw old product their such as old computers and televisions. These landfills may cause rise temperature to be very hot and climate change because leaving products there for while produce carbon dioxide or other gases. Therefore, people can die because rising temperature is big problem today around the world, yet some companies do not care about if people can die just care about increasing their money by creating more lands to sell place or to throw old products there.
It is clear that these environmental consequences are result of activity for example manufacturing practices of burning fossil fuels. However, these who disagree say that climate change is not caused by human activity; it is natural causes that cause climate change.  Most people believe that natural causes can affect the world and increase the climate change because the environment may change from year to year or over generation. People have been noticing that the planet is shifting very fast. If anyone asks old people, they will tell how environment is changing from their generation. Therefore, there is many reason that natural causes effect the climate change because the variations in sunlight from the sun has changed the global climate; the sun temperature is increasing. The sunlight burns trees in forest which produce more carbon dioxide and other gases then the gas in greenhouse will also increase especially carbon dioxide. For example, what happened in the summer 2017 in Oregon and California wildfire many trees were burned, and the firefighters and people found it hard to stop fire, yet there was much smoke in the air people could not see the sun. The sun heat is melting the ice which is increasing the sea level, so the melting ice will affect many lands in the future, and these lands will probably under the water. For instance, heat will affect life in North Pole or Arctic Ocean animals especially polar bear will be endanger because of melting ice in Arctic.
Another natural cause of climate change is volcanic eruption or volcanic activity can mainly problem which lead to produce carbon dioxide then the climate change will develop more. When a big volcanic erupts happen, it usually creates smoke, carbon dioxide, and other gases into the air and into atmosphere, yet the greenhouse gases will be over limit which is serious problem for layer that protect our planet; leading to climate change. People notice that volcanoes are very dangerous and sometimes they damage the Earth. Amount of people may not know that volcanoes can increase gases such as carbon dioxide; also, they can burn anything in the surface like trees or people house. If a big volcano is happened the smoke everywhere, and smoke stay in the Earth for year; the world will be very cold even hot place will have cold weather which is affect the environment and this showing example of climate change. While natural causes can contribute the climate change, it is still a small amount, compared to manufacturing, which has a huge amount to contribute to climate change.
Even if people still thinking climate change is happened in the past not by manufacturing practice, I still believe that they are wrong because today climate change is increase and we all notice it. This manufacturing practice is reason that the greenhouse gases increase and sea level.
Although manufacturing practices can be harmful, we need them. The reason is that we need them because manufacturing makes people life easy then they use to live in the past. These manufacturing give people job and produce many products for people needs for life. For example, manufacturing producers invent car as transportation, so people can travel far easily from one place to another. However, manufacturing practices can be more environmentally conscious – through their practices and products. In the article “A Faint Green Sell: Advertising and the Natural World,” marketers not only could create new products and services, they could also reposition exiting ones to appear more environmentally friendly” (Julia B. Corbett’s, pp 236). In other words, manufacturing companies or producers not only develop new products to people, but they recycle old products, or they use materials that manufacturing can recycle it in the future and market it to people as green or ecofriendly. Manufacturing companies claim that products they invent to people are not affect the environment because they can recycle their products. Therefore, manufacturing practices can help people and government to reduce climate change by creating product that we can recycle it in the future which may lead to stable or reduce climate change level. For instance, every material that people use it today should people able to recycle: houses, phones, clothes, bikes and cars. However, even if all the manufacturing practices points are true, but manufacturing active too much which causing environment and leading to climate change. Yes we do need more products that company produce to us, yet changing product materials into ecofriendly can cost company a lot of money; however, we could find environment friendly ways to produce our using or needing of products and energy. For example, people can use solar system, wind, geothermal energy renewable.  Because it is undeniable that our practices are damaging the life in the Earth.

Overall, people must reduce burning of fossil fuel and reduce of using manufacturing places or practices because it effects the climate change which raised in to high level. The damage that has happened in modern day because human activity uses a lot of chemicals to develop or create new product for people such as clean products, plastic, oil, and even food and clothes. As human activity such as burning of fossil fuel do not reduce, they will positively affect the global climate change. What sad is that many people who live in modern day their needs such as buy new cars or smartphones every year which lead companies to make many products that have carbon dioxide in the products component. Therefore, individuals should be worried about the issue that caused the climate change, and to become with solution which can help if it is not happen; the next generation will not have great life fill with very natural environment.

Work Cited:
Corbett, Julia. “A Faint Green Sell: Advertising and the Natural World,” Signs of Life in The USA, edited by Sonia Massik and Jack Solomon, Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2016, pp.235-251.

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