Monday, March 12, 2018

Gun Control

Gun Control

           Bob Barr, who is an American former federal prosecutor, said,” It’s not a gun control problem, it’s a cultural problem.” In other words, weapons are not the problems that people die, but the problems come from people who use weapons in bad ways; moreover, these people are less education of guns. People do not want to government to control guns because the history overtimes show what government do kill citizen; when government have more power over people right. People want to be free to do what they want such as carrying guns to hunt in rainforest. However, guns should not be control by government because people want to protect themselves from dangerous situation, people have right to choose or make own decision, and control guns do not stop violent.
          First, people want to have gun to protect themselves from dangerous. For example, when people go to camp in rainforest where dangerous animals live such as tiger and lion, they carry guns with them. In the article “Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted?” Nelson Lund, who is JD, PhD, Professor at George Mason University School of Law, said, “police can not protect people all the time.”  In other words, government will have to hire more police if they do control gun, and people are no longer able to have it. People who live far from town usually need gun to defend themselves from strangers, and those strangers may dangerous. Also, guns protect people from crime especially places where a large amount of crime happen such as big city like Chicago, Illinois.
          Opponents may claim that government should control guns because amount of people get shot by gun and hurt. In the article “Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted?” the author shows that people die by shot gun or mass shooting according magazines. This may be partly true. However, not a lot of people die by shooting gun, yet people die because they take a large amount of drugs or alcohol.
           People have right to do what they want. People do not want government to change the law if so government will have more power over citizen. In the article “Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted?”  Wayne LaPierre points out that from founding fathers of United States they want to make sure that people have free and right in the new country. Also, they want to sure that citizens will not retain to back with less free. Moreover, In the article “Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted?” Hunter, who is Chairman of Revolution PAC, demonstrates that people have right to own gun and to choose as the right they have for religion and protest “free speech”. For instance, people do not want to anyone control them, and when something bad happen in country by government people demonstrate and protest for right.
          Critics may point out that if government give people right in a country the government will not have power toward people. Even if the right that people can own guns, but it is causing problem especially at school. There may some truth in thus claim. However, people admit more they have right the country will develop into better. Also, there are not evidence show that if people have right the country will have issue.
Furthermore, controlling guns does not stop crime. In the article “Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted?” John R. Lott, who is JD, PhD, states that criminals will ignore the law that government make to control guns, and criminals will find way to buy weapons. For instance, criminals can buy guns from black market, or they can steel guns from police. These criminals are genius because they will always find way to get weapons. Criminals will be aggressions then they use it because they try to find gun from everywhere; for example, when they steel or rob people houses, they take guns if these houses have it.
          Opponents may claim that new law for guns control would solve crime in country. Also, new law reduces less crime in state. For example, criminals will have hard time to find weapons because they can not find it in normal store. This may be partly true; however, criminals will not stop steeling house or robbing bank, and criminals will kill more people.
          Overall, government should not control gun because people have right to make or choose own decision, and violent have not stop even if guns are control, and in dangerous situation people want to protect themselves. There are amount of people have argument about guns control because they believe that they can defend themselves by having guns especially when criminals are robbing their houses.  These are the reasons that guns should not be control.


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