Sunday, February 25, 2018

Everyone Should Go to College

Should Everyone Go to College?

      In the 20th century, most people around the world continue on to college due to increasing demand in most fields for higher education in order to have good job opportunities. In my country, Saudi Arabia, we have not had the educational opportunities that are available in America; I see all the ways in which our people could benefit and better provide for their families if they had the same access to higher education, or unfortunately even to completing high school. In my grandparents’ youth, around the 1920’s Saudi Arabia was underdeveloped and there was even a lesser need for an educational degree because most people worked as fishermen and farmers. The extent of many people’s education was being sent to the mosque as children to learn religion, and basic reading and writing. After oil was discovered in 1932, the Saudi government became rich and education opportunities did grow, however accessibility was not available to everyone, and the need and cultural changes took place over a greater period of time. My parents’ generation was different because it was easy to find a job because not very many careers required any education beyond a high school degree. However, today while there is a developing need for educational degrees, most children often did not even go to high school because their parents needed them to contribute to the household income, or because parents could not afford to send their kids to public schools which may be too far away. Some parents are able to send their kids to study aboard, or if their children in get high GPA’s they may earn scholarships, which thankfully is what I was able to obtain and education is making all the difference for myself and helping my family. Therefore, everyone should go to college because they can learn, become more efficient well-rounded citizens, and gain the tools they need to prepare for better careers and life experiences.

       Modern day people change their focus to education, and they are becoming more aware to have a higher degree because jobs require people to have high level of education degree. For example, to work in big company require to finish school, especially people who work engineering such as petroleum engineer even in the business field like accounting. Most people work while they are preparing for master thesis about their major field; for instance, some parents were working while they were attending to university. Some people actually tried to work while they were in the first year in high school, and they found themselves that they needed to quit and focus on school instead of working. According to Freeman Hrabowski, “the fastest growing job categories require at a college degree” (pp260). In other words, amount of people who graduate from college with higher degree of education have more opportunity to be employed than those people who do not have higher degree.  Higher education helps people to have a great job which may help them to change lifestyle and become rich.

      To convince children, many parents explain to their children how going to school is very important today, and parents help them to make plans for studying overseas after they graduated from high school. For example, in my city people may take three tests in order to able to apply for scholarship and study aboard because my city does not have a university or college, so most people after high school try to attend to colleges and universities in other cities which usually very hard to have seat available for them; even if they are very intelligent. Compared to United States, they are many universities and colleges, so people can find seats available; even small cities have college and university. Studying aboard invest a lot of benefit to those people who take adventure to enter university in different countries. The most difficult challenge for those who study aboard is language; for example, my native language is Arabic, and studies in the United States require students to use English in school which provided me an opportunity to take the English program before entering the university. 

       In the earliest age, children should start to school because education can help learners to develop their talented field, especially to those who are very smart such as some children talented in solving math functions very fast without calculators; intelligent students can skip to next levels. For example, United States provide a system for intelligent students to skip levels if they find out. In my country, very smart students cannot skip levels even if they get A plus in all materials. Many people believe that my country needs to provide similar systems that the United States has in education in order for the kids to learn what they have interests in. According to Stephanie Owen and Isabel Sawhill, finding that kids who start training and learning at school younger may have the right skill to get a better job (pp.222). The author writes that employers look for skill “that potential workers could learn from training programs.” For instance, these intelligent kids may become scientists, and they would invent unique things to the world.

         Although the educational experiences that most people have with a higher level of degree help them to have a better job, some people without higher degree still succeed in life . For instance, in Saudi Arabia many people get hire from oil company after graduating from high school, and this company gives them a good salary; these people may have a great life. Nevertheless, it is claimed that the majority of intelligent people drop out of college to create on business by themselves such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates.  According to Owen and Swahill, there are some people do not go to college and become rich. For example,” the lifetime earnings of an education or art major working in the service sector are actually lower than the average lifetime earnings of a high school graduate” (pp.216). In other words, these geniuses who had been dropping out of the college did improve their life; moreover, they invested uniqueness to all people such as computers, smartphones, cars, and even planes.  For example, Mark Zuckerbery dropped out of Harvard College and he invented Facebook to anyone; soon he becomes very rich. While this might be true that there are people who do not go college, or get higher degree of education and they make more profit than these people who have higher degree, people should have a chance to go to college to learn and practice because studying around people in college helps them to learn from each other, and not all people will be similar to those who drop out of the college, and become one of rich men in the world.

        It is not surprising that college is a good way to have much experience and help people to become rich or develop their life. people with higher degree will able to shift their job easily when they get hired from other company who do offer them a lot of money; also, people may not be worried like people who do not have finish college if the job is shot down because they have much experience with degree they have. As in modern day, having bachelor degree is not enough, and it is hard to those people find a job so they need to have higher degree of education for instance getting PHD of electrical engineering.

Work Cited:
Owen, Stephanie, and Isabel Sawhill. “Is College The Best Option.” Should Everyone Go to College? They Say / I Say. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst. New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 2017.
Hrabowski, Freeman. “Is College The Best Option.” College Prepare People for Life. They Say / I Say. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein, Russel Durst. New York, W.W. Norton & Company, 2017.

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