Saturday, February 10, 2018

Legal Drugs

Legal Drugs

        Marilyn vos Savant, who is an American and magazine columnist, author, lecturer, and playwright, says, “Avoid using cigarettes, alcohol and drugs as alternatives to being an interesting person.” In other words, stop using drugs, drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes are better not just for human body. In history may show that amount of people die because they use drugs too much or they are addicted to drugs. These people who are addicted to drugs usually become criminal because they need money to buy drugs which drive them steel or rob money from people. For example, these people who live in street and do not have home because their parents kick them out from house; however, these people have a lot of problem in their life because drugs addiction effect their life which normal people have. Although, people should understand that not all drugs are healthy, and people should not take drugs over limit even if their friends take drugs over limit, and people should not listen to these people who are drugs addiction. Moreover, drugs addiction should get treat and listen to doctors. But not all people who addicted to drugs die, amount of people die by fight with other or shoot guns mistake. However, people die because crime that happen where they live. Drugs can have benefit to these people who pain; for instance, especially those people who have hurt too much take drugs to decrease the pain. Amount of people who are very close to die because some problems they take drugs would help them if they are very sick. Therefore, all drugs should be legal for several reasons such as saving young people, and physical risks.

The first reason, drugs should be legal because they will be more difficult for children to access. When children at young age use drugs, they may have huge problems with health and education. In other hands, parents should look and take care into their children for what they buy or eat from outside. In the article” Should Illegal Drugs Be Legalized? (Kathlee Parker, 2003), shows that United States spend over billions of dollars to save children from drugs addiction. Making drugs legal may save a large amount of children especially at young age to not become drugs addiction. People believe if the government make all drugs legal can solve the problems that people have with their children or between each other because people who sale drugs do care about children or people in general. For example, children when they use or take drugs, they may become drugs addicted. Furthermore, these children need treatment from drugs because drugs can effect their performance at school or these children act wired toward their or friends. Moreover, treat addiction to drugs are not easy like when someone has medical problem the treatment take a large amount of time, and treatment need to be patience until the progress work well.

Critics may claim that if the government make all drugs legal these children who are addicted will find way to buy drugs from other resource such as black market. For instance, children may act aggressive toward other people who know because they need drugs if they can not take it, and they will try too hard to find place that sale drugs. This may be partly true; however, if government do make drugs legal, it may save a large of children from addiction in country, and it would create a good environment for children to grow up especially in education. Moreover, there are many benefit if drugs are legalized; for instance, governments would save a large of money, and they can use it to develop education and medical care.

The second reason, physical risks to people who are addicted to sort type of drugs. For example, people who still drugs addicted to heroin usually have health issue such as heroin can effect human brains. Also, people who take a large amount of heroin can effect their family or their children especially if they have children at young age. (Jeffrey Miron, 2014), who is an American economist, says, “Different drugs do carry different risks.” In other words, dependent which type of drugs that people take it have different effect in their health such as human brains, and human body. These people who use or addicted to drugs become more thin than normal. However, the main goal of legalization drugs is to decrease people pain from addiction. In the article “Why all drugs should be legal.(Yes, even heroin),” (Miron, 2014), shows that taking cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine to over limit or take  a large amount of them can kill people or cause people to die especially who are addicted to them. For instance, people may get AIDS by using needle of heroin that someone use it before, and he has AIDS so he transfers the disease to others; however, these people need to understand that they should check before using somebody stuff if it is clean or not. Moreover, addiction to drugs cause people a lot of pain in brain or any part of body. For example, people who heroin addicted would lose their jobs, friends, family, and dreams because addicted to heroin is kind of habitat to those people.

Nevertheless, opponents may claim that not all drugs should be legal because a large of people who have pain because cancer need something to help them to reduce the illness. In the article “Marijuana and Cancer,” (the American Cancer Society, 2015), the research explains that different amount of marijuana has different effect in human body, and it would help people to relieve illness that they have. This may be partly true. However, amount of people die because they are addicted to the drugs especially heroin and methamphetamine, and if people take a large amount of heroin, they might have a very pain or die, so drugs should be legal or people can use with improvement from their doctors.

          The third reason, making drugs legal help to reduce crime. For example, because drugs are expensive these people do criminal thing or act violent to get money to buy drugs, and if amount of people who carry a large of drugs in their pocket do not sell drugs in low price the crime will increase. But if drugs are legal, they might decrease violent, gun, crime in the city especially a big like New York or Los Angeles.  In the article” Should all drugs be legalized?” the report shows that legal drugs would help those people who are addicted to drugs, and it may no long have crime or violent. Also, these would save money instead of sending addicted to drugs to prisons. For instance, these people who are addicted would kill other people because they can not control themselves because the drugs they take it.  There are many good thing if drugs become a legal in country, and it might make life easier for people with less crime and violent that cause by drugs. However, crime and aggression or another could cause by addiction to drugs because people who take drugs lose self-control. Moreover, people should think before using drugs around their children at home it could cause children to become violent or criminal because their parents.

Opponents may claim that making all drugs legal are not going to help to reduce amount of crime in state or country. Drugs do not increase crime and violent there are other thing causes these problems such as people who do not have a job and money. This may be partly truth; however, drugs can cause problem such as violent and crime especially in certain area in city where dangerous people live. For example, during 1920s there are a lot of crime cause by Mafia who use a weapons and alcohol also to sell; moreover, at this era amount people die because they kill by Mafia or die because Alcohol and Guns. Also, according to the article “Should all drugs be legalized?” the report demonstrates that if drugs become or still illegal, they might increase crime and aggression or could develop more dangerous criminals and amount of people may get kill by these criminals.

Overall, there are several reasons to legalized all the drugs; for example, physical risk and protecting children. Legalization drugs would save or protect people especially children life from addiction which effect their performance at school and health.  People may have physical issue because they are addicted to drugs such as effecting or damaging human brain, and drugs may effect their family especially young children if these people are married.  Also, legalization drugs can help to decrease or reduce crime in country because amount of crime cause by drugs addicted who they do not have money to buy it. Therefore, for all these reasons above legalize drugs have many benefit to people and government such children grow up in wonderful environment.


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